Specialist courses for Professionals

We have long term plans for developing a range of training programmes based on what we have learned from delivering our interactive programmes and interventions.

Our first training programme entitled ‘Taking a Trauma Informed Approach when working with Women with complex and multifaceted needs’ was launched in 2020 and has been delivered by our staff to partner organisations with very positive feedback.

The lessons delivered in our Sexual Consent – Keep Breathing Educational Resource cover the topic of sexual consent by teenagers in its broadest terms and link directly with the Department of Education’s RSHE Curriculum.


Sexual Consent

Anyone working with teenagers needs to watch the film Keep Breathing and use the supplementary Educational Resource on sexual consent to take a searching look at attitudes and victim-blaming.


Taking a trauma-informed approach when working with women with complex and multifaceted needs

Practitioners in the field are finding this course provides unique guidance on how to deliver a person-centered approach that has considered emotional and psychological issues.


Courses for Individuals and Families

This ‘mix and match’ selection of courses and workshops give guidance and insights into issues that we are all familiar with, ranging from the practical on budgeting skills to the thought provoking Why it’s tough being a Teenager, and all areas in-between.

Specialist courses for Individuals and Families

This extensive range of practical and educational programmes and workshops has evolved from our everyday business of helping disadvantaged women become more socially and economically active in their community.

We can deliver these courses to groups or individuals, face-to-face, online via Zoom, or by telephone.

Browse our Course Library